Since the early Spring, Avery and I have been watching baseball on TV just about every day after work in preparation for the big day – her first baseball game. On July 4th, we headed over to Oakland for the Red Sox – A’s game.
After a rough start, Avery did great. We were reaching the ticket takers just as the July 4th ceremonies were ending inside the ballpark – complete with a very loud military flyover. That ended up with a solid few minutes of Avery clinging to me and wondering why we’d take her to something where big, loud planes fly just over your head. Understandable.
From there until the eighth inning, Avery handled it all like a pro. She occasionally cut loose a “Go Red Sox!” cheer, and was happy to join the crowd in applause, no matter which team was responsible. She made friends in our section and enjoyed a hot pretzel and a lemonade.
Around the seventh inning, fatigue started setting in. By the eighth inning, she was on Mom’s lap and fading fast. We were back home and putting Avery down for a nap just as the game was ending (the Red Sox lost, sadly).
All in all, it was a great day. With the Giants, A’s, Raiders, Niners, and Warriors nearby, I’m sure we’ll be catching another game soon (well, maybe not a Raiders game).
Avery and Mom
Powering through a lemonade
Avery and Dad
Patriotic fan
Time to get somebody up in the bullpen
Bring in the reliever.