Well, we’re two weeks into 2013 and I still haven’t posted photos from Christmas yet. Bad Dad…but better late than ever.
Christmas was very exciting this year. Avery loved all the decorations and Mom made an awesome advent calendar so we could have a treat for dessert every night. By the time the big day came, Avery couldn’t stand to wait any longer. We got up early and checked the tree to see if Santa came, then we had Skype calls with Nana and Papa and Amma and Papa as we opened presents.
Avery spent the rest of the day playing with her new toys, just as fast as Mom and I could put them together. Later in the day, I got my holiday wish… Mom was kind enough to take some photos of Avery and I in our makeshift photo studio.
We’re already looking forward to Christmas 2013.

Test driving her new potty

Opening presents

New “Big Girl” panties, worn on the outside of her pajamas. Apparently all the kids are doing this now.

New pajamas. Fortunately, the panties fit over these too.

Soloing on the drums.

Lucky Dad.