Author Archives: Mom

The 2012 Massachusetts Vacation Mega Post – Part 2

Posted on by Mom

Avery is STILL talking about everyone. Just when I thought she might be settling back to her schedule, she asks to go play on the beach with Amma or she wants to play with blocks at Nana’s house. This was truly the vacation of a lifetime for Avery, thanks to everyone for taking off work […]

Amma’s Visit

Posted on by Mom

We just said goodbye to my mom (aka Amma) two weeks ago and Avery is still looking in every room to find her. Amma had a whirlwind trip stopping at my brother Darin’s first in Santa Barbara, on to my Uncle’s house in Bakersfield and finished up in the Bay Area visiting us. Avery didn’t […]

While I’m Away

Posted on by Mom

I hate having to leave Avery every day when I go to work, but I really like getting a surprise hello from her during the day. Jeff and Sara (aka Sa Sa) send me pics from time to time and I really love it. Here are a few from the last week;

Avery’s new friend Avery

Posted on by Mom

Each morning before Dad takes over Avery hangs out with me in the bathroom while I get ready for work. She typically just rolls around on the tile and chews on Eli’s ear. But just this week she finally met the little girl who lives in my closet and her name is Avery too! She […]

A Ladies Lunch

Posted on by Mom

I had a brunch planned this past weekend to catch up with my friends Marion, Darlene and Lisa and Avery wanted to come too. She was so upset the entire ride into Scottsdale but perked right up when she got inside the restaurant. She ate her lunch right beside her new lady friends and seemed […]

A little more freedom

Posted on by Mom

Jeff and I love to go out to lunch on Saturdays. It’s become a little tradition. Avery used to just hang out in her car seat with us while we dined until recently. She had her first experience in a restaurant high chair, and there is no turning back.  She was engaged the entire time, […]

Cleaning Up…

Posted on by Mom

I have to say that the bib Avery is wearing is my absolute favorite. My friend Gina gave it to me, and I didn’t think too much about it at the time but now I really get it. Mommy loves it because you can wipe it clean, Avery loves it because it makes noise when […]

Hanging with Mom

Posted on by Mom

Jeff had a “cupcake” photo gig on Saturday, so Avery and I just hung out in the kitchen. She seems to like her chair, but I’m guessing it’s because she likes the rice cereal she typically gets when she’s sitting in the chair.