Doctor’s visit
Posted on by DadSo today Avery had an appointment with the doctor for a check-up and some shots. She’s doing great – 17lb., 5oz., and 26.5 inches long. That puts her in the 75th and 73rd percentile for weight and height, respectively. Her head circumference is in the 43rd percentile – also a good sign.
We were told we can introduce her to fruit and even some mashed food from our plates. It was suggested that we start baby-proofing the house as she’ll be on the move and getting into trouble soon. That ought to be an adventure.
The doctor said that unlike most of the first-time parents that he sees in his office, he felt comfortable allowing us to keep her. That was a relief for us. 😉 And, based on Avery’s good looks and the amount that she talked throughout her check-up, he predicts that she’ll be a news anchor one day.
Stay tuned.
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